Massage is a broad term that means different things to different people. To some it’s a massage, preferably one on the back; to others, it’s Swedish or Deep Tissue Massage. The key is it’s always a form of massage and there are many types of massage. Massage is therapeutic in nature and works on many levels to relax the body, soothe the mind and provide healing benefits. When you think of massages though, you probably think of them as something exotic and not necessarily someone’s a homely attempt at making you feel better.
A massage is a non-surgical procedure that uses manual or pressure-applied treatment to help your body relax and heal. Depending on what type of massage you receive, it can be very effective in relieving stress and pain, improving your health, and boosting your confidence. If you’re confused about what type of massage you should receive and how it affects your body, you’re not alone.
It’s very important to understand the different types of massage so you know what service you should ask for and how you should select a therapist. All forms of massage have their own unique techniques, techniques that are specific to each type of massage and the massage therapist you choose to work with. In this guide, we’ll cover the most common types of massage, what they are used for and how they work.
First, you and your therapist will often get to know each other’s preferences and styles through one-on-one or group sessions. From there, your therapist will learn what works for you and your preferences as an individual, so they can create a custom message plan that best works for you. Depending on your preferences, you may choose the location of your message (e.g., a spa treatment, your bedroom, etc.) or the type of massage you receive (e.g., deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, heat and pressure point massage, etc.). Next, your therapist will prepare you for the massage by washing and drying you, cleaning your tools (i.e., your hands, face, hair, etc.), and oiling your joints (i.e., elbows, knees, hips, etc.). Once you’re ready, your therapist will begin the massage by using various techniques to target the areas of your body that need the most attention.
There are many types of massage, and the main difference between them is the massage therapist and the method used.
This is the most common form of massage and is essentially just rolling oil along the body in a massaging motion. There are different types of BODY MASSAGE such as Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Thai.
This is a hands-on experience and is often paired with aural or motion-based stimulation. Examples of sensory or experience massage include foot massage, hand massages, and body-pack massages.
This is a hands-off experience that can be beneficial if you’re not ready to become re-wired. Mind-spring massage is often referred to as “Deep Tissue” or “Spinal Tap” massage, and it’s often used to treat lower back pain.
This is a combination of both body and mind-swing techniques that can help with a variety of issues including chronic pain and stress.
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